About Me

me.jpgSo this is me–David Wilkerson.  In addition to being company stage manager for Tennessee Rep, I’m also a local actor and fight choreographer.  When not writing line notes, I’ve acted for Nashville Shakespeare Festival, People’s Branch Theatre, and Tennessee Rep–all here in Nashville.  Companies that have paid me to design fights for them include Tennessee Rep, Nashville Shakespeare Festival, Nashville Opera, People’s Branch Theatre, and Vanderbilt University.  I am a graduate of Baylor University (BFA Acting), Ohio University (MFA Acting), and the School of Diminishing Returns. My precious free time is devoted to my 10-year-old now 11-year-old (sheesh!) daughter, Anwen, and slightly-older-than-that (but still young, honey!) wife, Janie.


  1. if you want to cite knowing me in your bio, that’s fine too. 🙂


  2. E2n9GF U cool ))

  3. I’m guessing you are not the same David Wilkerson who is the evangelist. 😉
    I’m just surfing in-one of these days maybe I’ll get to see one of these shows of yours, if I ever get over there.

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